Lyon Escort
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  Вс Май 13, 2007 12:05 am :: помогите пожалуйста ответиь на вопросы  Ответить с цитатой


 Пол: Пол:Мужской
 Зарегистрирован: 13.05.2007
 Сообщения: 1

Вопрос 1. Выбрать наилучший вариант ответа на предложение: Do you have an open ticket then?
1. Yes it's valid for any flight on that route.
2. Yes, I still have to pay the fare.
3. Yes, I can go anywhere in the world.
4. I'm sorry. Please ask your travel agent for fuller details.
5. I want to be sure of flying tomorrow.
Вопрос 2. Выбрать наилучший вариант ответа на предложение: My name's on the waiting list as a stand. Can I fly now?
1. No, there's no more standing room on the plane.
2. No, the flight will be announced in the transit lounge.
3. No, the flight is fully booked.
4. Sorry to have kept your waiting.
5. I'll book you on a scheduled flight.
Вопрос 3. Выбрать наилучший вариант ответа на предложение: Do you want to book a sleeper, or just a seat?
1. As this is a long flight, I'd like to have a sleep.
2. As this is an overnight train, I'd like to book a sleeper.
3. As this is an expensive hotel, I'd like to save some money.
4. Shall I book hotel accommodation?
5. You have a reservation for me for tomorrow.
Вопрос 4. Выбрать наилучший вариант ответа на предложение: What's the public transport like? Should I hire a car?
1. The public usually does this.
2. Trains and buses do not run frequently.
3. Trains and buses are in bad conditions.
4. I'm sorry. We don't handle package tours for groups.
5. Is there a dining car on the train?
Вопрос 5. Выбрать наилучший вариант ответа на предложение: Is service included in the hotel rate?
1. Yes, you need not any tips.
2. Yes, your car will be serviced while you are asleep.
3. Yes, you will be served breakfast in your room.
4. I’m sorry. All our rooms have been reserved.
5. I’m awfully sorry, there are no hotel rooms left

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